Sunday 28 August 2011

My little miss is ONE!

Oh my how quickly time has gone. I have had so much fun in organizing and planning Emma's party. And it was a big hit, Emma loved the attention and we had good time. Here's some of the pictures what the party looked like.

The invitations I made looked like this:

The day strated by dressing our little miss into her little miss sunshine outfit. I also made a little miss trouble shirt for her thinking that it might suit her better. I'm glad she proved me wrong by being one little ray of sun all day, enjoying every minute and not agreeing to sleep until all the guests had left.

As the guests arrived Emma's cool new chalkboard gave the direction. (I'll show you soon how this was made (by daddy)).

Every guest got to choose which little miss or mr. man character they wanted to be. As you might guess I was obviously little miss bossy and Jeremy was obviously mr. strong. We didn't have the names on the badges though because everyone had to guess later which character they were.

The guests also got to choose which little miss drink they wanted and mr. strong was in the kitchen making the drinks. These drinks were a big hit and I would recomend either Little Miss Helpful's Handful of Fruit or Little Miss Giggle's Gallon of Good Taste (just my favorite).

I made all the instructions for mr. strong of how much of each ingredient he was suppose to put in each drink, but that seemed to be pointles since he ended up swinging it. You know what I mean, putting a handful of this and a handful of that and pouring a bit of this and that (just like they do in cooking shows) and they ended up being so tasty! So try it ans swing it!

Oh and they also got a matching straw for their drink.

For the decorations I just made lots of streamers and pom poms. The streamer idea I got a while ago from this blog and pom poms I've seen in many different parties. I also realized that we needed some tablecloths so I just made the ones in the picture below real quick one night with sticky tape and fabric paint.

Then the best part, CUPCAKES! Emma's aunty is awesome in decorating so she came to help me, but as we made the first little miss sunshine cupcake it looked too scary to make any more so we just ended up decorating them with icing. Something happened during the night though and in the morning that little miss sunshine cupcake didn't look that scary at all so I decided that it could be Emma's cupcake.

It's totally different story how I didn't want Emma to have a cupcake yet because I think she doesn't need to eat sugary stuff yet. Well then the night before as we were decorating the cupcakes, Emma's 4 months older cousin got to the cupboard, took one of the cupcakes and as we turned around to see why they were both so quiet we found the two girls sitting and sharing that chocolate cupcake. We couldn't but laugh, they were so cute. So I gave in and gave her her little miss sunshine cupcake.

As the guests started to leave after being exhausted from all the partying they all got a little thanks and some goodies to enjoy on the way home.

It really was an awesome day. Thank you so much everyone who were there and everyone who remembered her on her big day. 


  1. Onnea Emmalle vielä tännekin! Olipa ihana, että olit jo laittanut tänne kuvia! Vitsit sä oot superi... teit kaikki ne jutut,joista juteltiin ja vielä paljon enemmän. Ja sinun tapaasi kaikki onnistui hieman hyvin! Olispa ollut kiva olla juhlissa mukana. <3 Aunty Suvi

  2. Olipa mahtavan kuuloiset synttärit, miten sä keksitkin ja jaksat nähdä vaivaa niin paljon vaivaa! Oot mun idoli:) ja ihanan näköinen kämppä teillä, sä jotenkin mainostit sitä huonosti vai muistanko väärin vai ootteko paljon nyt fiksannut siellä? Terkkuja paljon Emmalle, toivoopi Taina sateisesta Suomesta

  3. Kiitos. Taina, me ollaan maalattu aika paljon ja sitten saatiin vähän uusia huonekaluja lainaan yhdeltä kaverilta. Joten se saa kämpästämme paljon mukavamman. Mutta myönnän kyllä, että maali tekee tosi paljon. Nyt tykkään meidän keittiön keltaisesta tasosta. :) Eipä ois uskonu. Ja taina, sä oot mun idoli! Ja Suvi kyllä kans. Kiitos niin ihanasta lahjasta ja kortista!!!

  4. Ihania kuvia ihanasta tyttösestä!! :) Pakko kysäistä että miten olet tehnyt nuo katosta roikkuvat isot keltaiset ja valkoiset "jutut"? näyttävät ihanilta!! :)

  5. Ooh taisin unohtaa mainita. Martha Stewartin sivulla on yksi hyvä ohje. Sillä tein nuo kaikki.


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